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St Andrew’s CE VA Primary School Radcliffe

‘Together we love, we learn, we shine’

St Andrew's Church

We are a lively parish church in the northern part of Radcliffe, representing a Charismatic Evangelical tradition. We are part of the Church of England in the Diocese of Manchester.
The Vicar for St Andrew's is Steph Mawhinney. We aim to be a friendly church and have lots going on for people of all ages. We are also an outward looking church and want to serve and bless the local community. We want everyone to know Jesus and the Good News He came to bring, the news that brings life and hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.
A message from Reverend Steph:
I am still quite new here, having joined St Andrew's in October 2024, but I have already enjoyed visiting school and taking part in collective worship. I look forward to spending more time in the school and welcoming you all to services at St Andrew's Church. I'm especially looking forward to working with the amazing group of Worship Leaders from Year 1 upwards at St Andrew's Primary, to plan and lead services together to celebrate Christmas, Easter, the end of the school year and Harvest.