These rules need to be followed in school and at home.
I will ask permission from a member of staff/ parent before using the Internet
I will not access other people’s files
I will use the computers only for school work and homework
I will only email people I know, or my teacher has approved
The messages I send will be polite and sensible
I will not give my home address or phone number or arrange to meet someone
I will never send my picture or any other personal information to a person without permission
I will never send any information eg the name or photograph of another person in an email or over the Internet
I will tell a teacher if I see anything I am unhappy with or I receive messages I do not like
I understand that the school may check my computer files and will monitor the Internet sites I visit
I will remember to LOG OUT when I have finished my session
Keeping your child safe online
Please click on the below links for tips and information
The following websites are very useful for helping parents to stay aware of the latest advice on e-safety: